Sleep Tips
1. Make sleep a priority by keeping a consistent bedtime and wake schedule, including weekends.
2. Create a bed time routine that is relaxing. Experts recommend reading a book, listening to soothing music or soaking in a hot bath.
3. Create a room that is dark, quiet, CoMfortable and Cool for the best possible sleep.
4. evaluate your Mattress and pillow to ensure proper CoMfort and support. If your mattress is five to seven years old, it may be time for a new one. In general, pillows should be replaced every year.
5. keep work Materials, CoMputers and televisions out of the bedrooM.
6. exerCise regularly , but complete workouts at least two hours before bedtime.
7. if you sleep with a partner, your Mattress should allow eaCh of you enough spaCe to Move easily. A queen mattress is ideal for two people sharing a mattress.
8. avoid eating, alCohol, niCotine and Caffeine Close to bedtiMe. These can lead to poor sleep, keep you awake or disrupt sleep later in the night.