Mattress World Proudly Supports the Great Strides Event 2015
Mattress World Northwest is proud to participate in the Portland Great Strides Event this May 2 – a FUNdraiser for individuals with cystic fibrosis. This family-friendly event – a healthy 5K walk -- is a wonderful opportunity for our community to get involved in a meaningful cause. Every dollar raised brings us one step closer to finding a cure for cystic fibrosis (CF), a life-threatening disorder that affects more than 30,000 Americans. Fundraisers like this provide the financial resources needed to develop breakthrough treatments to keep individuals with CF healthy and fast-track the pursuit of a cure.
While there have been major advancements in treatments for CF, individuals with this genetic condition struggle every day just to breathe. Improvements in screening for CF mean that most patients are living much longer lives, many into their 40s and 50s.
In an effort to raise awareness and much-needed funding to fight this disease, we walk for them and hope you will join us! Great Strides is the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation's biggest fundraising event, with over 125,000 people participating in walks across the country.
Participants are invited to form teams with their workmates, through businesses and organizations or with family and friends. The Great Strides walk will feature entertaining children’s activities, delicious food and festivities, and has become an annual Portland tradition that participants look forward to every year.
Help find the cure for cystic fibrosis