How to Know If Your Child Is Ready for an Adult-Size Bed
Watching your child grow up is both bittersweet and rewarding. As he or she outgrows old toys, shoes, and clothes, you’re reminded that your kiddo won’t stay small forever. Although knowing when it’s time for a new pair of sneakers is easy, it can be tricky to know if your child is ready for an adult-size bed.
Whether you buy a mattress online or shop in person, it’s important to consider your child’s specific needs. Every kid is unique, and likewise, there isn’t a singular best mattress for kids.
With so many mattress options to choose from, buying one can become overwhelming. But there’s no need to stress. At Mattress World Northwest in Oregon, parents can rely on expert help and attentive service to find just the right mattress for their children.
Signs That Your Child Has Outgrown Their Mattress
Whether your child is in a crib or has a learner’s permit, providing them with a properly sized mattress is important to their overall well-being and development. If your child has outgrown their mattress, they may experience problems falling and staying asleep. Children that don’t get enough sleep may have difficulty paying attention, socializing with others, and performing in school. On the other hand, studies show that kids who get an adequate amount of sleep over time have improved memory, learning, creativity, and mental and physical well-being. For this reason, it’s important to buy a new mattress for your child once you suspect they’re outgrowing it. Although your child’s current mattress may come with some general age guidelines, some children grow faster than others. Parents can look for a few telltale signs that will let them know when to upgrade their child to an adult mattress.Baby to Toddler (1–3.5 years)
From infancy until the age of two or three, a crib mattress is appropriate for your baby. Crib mattresses are at least 27¼ inches wide, 51¼ inches long, and a maximum height of 6 inches. Although crib mattress sizes are standardized, it’s important to check the tag on your baby’s crib for exact measurements. When your baby reaches toddler age, they will require more room to rest comfortably. Some children, however, need to make the transition sooner than others.If you notice that your child’s feet or head brush the ends of the crib frequently, it’s time to set them up with a new mattress.
Toddler to Child (3.5–8 years)
By the time your child is a toddler, they’re bound to need a twin-size mattress. Twin-size mattresses are 38½ inches wide and 75 inches long, providing kids with extra space. Nonetheless, how to know if your child is ready for an adult-size bed depends on their individual growth. If your toddler is able to climb out of their crib, they’re ready to make the transition to a twin mattress. Climbing over the guardrails poses a safety risk for your child.Moreover, upgrading your child to an adult-size bed can facilitate potty training, as it makes it easier for them to get in and out of bed in a hurry.
Child to Adolescent (8–10.5 years)
As your child grows into a teenager, they’re going to need more space, literally and figuratively. Generally, a full-size mattress is appropriate for children once they reach around 8 or 10. However, if you notice your child has hit a sudden growth spurt, you may need to buy a mattress for them sooner. During puberty, adolescent girls grow an average of 2 to 3 inches a year, and adolescent boys grow an average of 3.5 inches a year. A standard full-size mattress is approximately 54 inches by 75 inches. It can meet the needs of growing teens or even adult couples. According to the Sleep Foundation, a full-size mattress is appropriate for teenagers and adults under 6 feet tall. When you’re shopping for a new mattress for your preteen, also note how much space their pillow will take on the mattress—usually 18–20 inches. The best full-size mattress for kids is one that will give them plenty of room to stretch out and grow.Tips to Ease the Transition
For adults and children alike, transitions in life can feel overwhelming. Upgrading your child to an adult-size mattress can instigate some bedtime challenges, but it’s a necessary step in their development. Before you buy a mattress, be realistic with your expectations. Even if your child is resistant at first, this doesn’t mean that he or she isn’t ready for an adult-size bed. No matter your child’s age, it’s important to be patient with them as they adjust. For many children, getting a new bed means getting a new sibling, which can be twice the shock. Remind your child how proud you are of their growth, and give them the reassurance they need.Baby to Toddler
As you prepare your baby’s crib, safety comes first. Crib mattresses should be fitted snugly inside the frame to prevent any risk of entrapment or suffocation. Although many people prefer soft mattresses, firm crib mattresses are the safest option for babies. Parents should also avoid filling their baby’s crib with stuffed animals and blankets. A hanging mobile is a great alternative for parents who want to soothe or entertain their baby as the baby falls asleep.Toddler to Child
To make the jump from a kid’s mattress to an adult mattress easier, introduce your toddler to their new bed during naptimes. Rather than changing to a single bed overnight, this will allow your child to become familiar with their new mattress. Parents can also purchase a nightlight for their children, which may lessen nighttime anxiety. If you’re worried your child might fall out of bed, low-profile box frames and platforms are a great option to keep kids’ mattresses close to the ground. Parents can also make a soft pallet alongside their child’s new bed for a cushioned fall. For the first couple of months, you can also place the mattress directly on the floor. Also consider letting your child pick out their own mattress and bedding. Whether you buy a mattress online or shop in person, let your kiddo weigh in about his or her preferences. If they feel like they have ownership over their new bed, they’re more likely to be excited about the change. The best twin mattress for kids is one that will suit all their personal needs as they grow.