How to Fix a Lack of Sleep with Your Mattress
Struggling with a lack of sleep can be brutal: you’re tired, cranky, even sore. Maybe you get lack-of-sleep headaches. Poor sleep can also have serious implications for your overall health.
While several factors affect sleep quality, there’s one easy step you can take to improve your sleep: be sure you’re sleeping on the right mattress. Learn more about lack-of-sleep symptoms, how to improve deep sleep, and how to fix a lack of sleep with your mattress below.
The Problem: A Lack of Sleep
Understanding how to improve your sleep is important for your quality of life—it’s harder to work, play, or enjoy your days if you’re tired. Sleep issues are common: over 60 million people suffer from sleeping disorders or occasional sleeping problems every year in North America.Causes of Poor Sleep
A variety of things can cause poor sleep, including the following:- Consumption of food, water, medications, alcohol, or caffeine near bedtime
- An inconsistent sleep schedule
- Stress, anxiety, depression, or other mental illness
- Exposure to electronic devices, such as TVs or mobile phones, near bedtime
- Body incompatibility with, or aging mattresses and pillows
Common Lack-of-Sleep Symptoms
A lack of sleep affects how you feel and function in a variety of ways. Here are some common lack-of-sleep symptoms:- Struggling to fall asleep
- Waking up too early or throughout the night
- Tiredness or sleepiness during the day
- Irritability
- Depression or anxiety
- Lack-of-sleep headaches (which may be more frequent or severe than normal headaches)
- Decreased focus
- Difficulty paying attention
- Poor memory
- Feeling unrested after a full night’s sleep
- Worrying about sleep
How a Lack of Sleep Affects Your Health
While the obvious lack-of-sleep symptoms (such as a lack-of-sleep headache) are unpleasant, poor sleep also causes several less visible health issues. Lack of sleep can make you more likely to become ill. It can also lead to high blood pressure, weight gain, and increased risk for diabetes and heart disease. Poor sleep can even shorten your life expectancy.The Solution: The Right Mattress
Spending the night on an old, worn-out mattress or a mattress that’s improperly fitted can wreak havoc on your rest. If you’re trying to figure out how to fix a lack of sleep with your mattress, considering your sleeping habits is a critical first step.What’s the Best Mattress to Improve Sleep?
There is no one “best” mattress—it depends on your sleeping position and habits as well as personal preference. It should support proper, natural alignment of your spine. Sleeping with poor alignment forces your body to actively work to correct it, preventing full relaxation.Types of Mattresses
There are four primary mattress types: latex, memory foam, hybrid, and innerspring/coil mattresses. Each of these styles is available in varying comfort types, which determine how firm or cushy the mattress feels. All these factors impact your comfort and alignment and, by extension, how well you sleep.Adjustable Base Mattresses Can Improve Sleep
Adjustable base mattresses offer the ability to raise and lower the top and lower thirds of your bed. These mattresses offer nearly unlimited customizability. Besides optimizing comfort, these mattresses can provide health benefits. They can help reduce snoring, acid reflux, and sleep apnea symptoms. Movable beds can also reduce stress on the spine and lower back, improve circulation, and help alleviate lack-of-sleep headaches.