Five Reasons to Buy a Comfortaire Air Mattress
A good night’s sleep is one of the most precious things one can have. Just ask people who can never seem to get one. With sound sleep, you feel energized and ready to face the new day. Without it, you can perform poorly at work, get irritable with loved ones, and suffer poor health.
One of the best mattresses you can buy to ensure a good night’s sleep is the Comfortaire Air Mattress.
5 reasons to consider Comfortaire
- It uses air to provide adjustable support. Most mattresses are what they are. If you bought a firm mattress, you can’t re-set its firmness. If you have a soft mattress, you can’t make it more firm. The Comfortaire, on the other hand, has 100 settings. It is composed of air chambers that are adjustable in fine gradients, to provide just the right amount of comfortable support.
- Its multiple settings are just right if you are a toss-and-turn sleeper or suffer chronic pain. Two kinds of people have particular challenges getting a good night’s sleep. The first are those who are restless sleepers whose movement wakes them up. The second are those who have chronic pain exacerbated by mattresses that don’t ergonomically fit them, such as people with hip or lower back pain. The amount of settings on the Comfortaire ensure that everybody will have a setting that is comfortable and right for them.
- The adjustments are done quietly and quickly, so you can return to sleep. The Comfortaire is adjusted via the Q10 wireless air control system. It has memory settings so that, once you’ve made an adjustment, you will never have to make it again — yet you can if your body and comfort level change.
- It provides multiple comfort factors to help you sleep. Why do people toss and turn? Well, some of it could be worry. But it’s also often other comfort factors that the sleeper is not even aware of. You could be mildly allergic to some of the fibers used in your current mattress. You could be too hot, to the degree that you wake up. Not with the Comfortaire mattress. It’s hypoallergenic, which means it contains nothing to which people could be allergic. It wicks heat away from the body, so you never sleep hot.
- It’s safe. It has anti-fungal and antimicrobial properties that ensure cleanliness. All Comfortaire mattresses are treated with a flame suppressant to protect against fire.