young dacshound pup lying on a pillow half covered by a blanket with cucumber slices over his eyes

Beauty Sleep

While we are sleeping, our bodies are in repair mode. So, the reason some call it beauty sleep is because your sleep is essential to the hair and skin repairing itself to look its best during the day.

How Does Beauty Sleep Work?

Getting a good night’s rest helps your hair and skin to recover from the damages of daytime exposures so that you wake up looking healthier, happier, and younger.

Prevent puffy eyes. Lack of restorative sleep increases the levels of our stress hormone, cortisol, in our system. This sets off a salt imbalance and causes the body to retain water. Puffy eyes are a sign of this water retention gathering around the eyes. With the right amount of restoring sleep, your eyes will appear brighter and de-puffed the next day. Younger looking skin. In order for the skin to glow and look healthy, it needs to restore itself from any damage it may have sustained during the day--UV rays, pollution, dehydration, dirt, and make-up all can infringe upon the skin’s condition and appearance. Studies reveal that when we are sleeping, new skin cells grow their fastest.
Less signs of aging. Sleep allows our skin to turn back the hands of time. Part of the restoration of our skin is the building of new collagen which helps the skin to appear more youthful, smooth and firm. This is because increased blood flow happens during sleep helping the production of collagen.
  Healthier hair. Sleep helps the protein synthesis and hormonal balance your hair needs to grow and appear healthy. Better sleep helps your hair to grow, appear fuller and look more beautiful. If you notice a change in your hair’s condition, it may be related to your sleep. Fewer skin problems. Sleep helps with skin problems like acne and psoriasis. This is because sleep helps reset the hormone levels. Stress hormones are a contributing factor to inflammation, but sleep helps to calm and rebalance this for a healthier looking complexion.

How to Help Beauty Sleep Do its Job

Both the amount of sleep and the quality of sleep you’re getting will determine how effective your beauty rest will work. Dermatologists recommend 7 to 8 hours sleep per night. But, those hours of sleep also need to be in line with your natural circadian rhythms.

Aligning bedtime with the natural rise and fall of the sun is the surest way to achieve a proper sleep cycle which functions to maximize our body’s restoration. When our sleep cycle is disrupted, sleep deprivation occurs and the body perceives this as stress. Skin cell turnover is slowed down and the skin becomes dehydrated as a result.
While skin care alone cannot repair skin, a good cleansing of the skin, as well as carefully selected skin care products, before bedtime can help optimize your skin’s ability to restore during sleep.
  Dermatologists recommend not stipping the skin of its natural oils by using a gentle, PH balanced cleanser. In addition, night creams and serums with Vitamin A and retinol are equally useful in helping the skin repair itself during restorative sleep. The phrase, “you are what you eat”, definitely applies to sleep and your skin. While nutrition plays its own role in the health of your skin and hair, what you consume before bedtime can adversely affect your sleep cycle. Caffeine, nicotine, sugary, spicy and rich foods, or alcohol close to bedtime can prevent your body from reaching deep sleep and your skin will pay for it.

Best Mattress for Beauty Sleep

No one likes to be told, “you look tired”! But if your mattress is poor quality or ill fitting to your needs, chances are you look tired whether someone tells you so or not.

For the deep, internal layers of the epidermis to truly do its job, you need to be sleeping on the best mattress possible. Not only does your mattress need to accommodate the shape of your body and adjust with it, your sleep position plays a part too in finding that perfect mattress. Your sleep position can also contribute to wrinkles over time since repeated creasing caused by pressure on the face can become permanently set.
Using a soft clean pillowcase can minimize compressing lines on your face and pores becoming clogged by dirt, yet sleeping on one’s back is the best position for avoiding wrinkles.
  Sleeping on your back is not for everyone, but if your sleep is disrupted by a poor mattress, no position or expensive beauty products will prevent the internal damage of sleep deprivation. Your skin is an organ, and it requires the same restorative functions during sleep as all your other organs. At Mattress World Northwest, our sleep experts are highly qualified to help you find the best mattress for you to look and feel beautiful every day. When you consider that approximately $130 billion dollars was spent last year (2019) on skin care products last year, investing in better sleep will not only complement the investment of those products, it will actually make them more effective! Sources:
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