Agree to Disagree on Firmness with an Adjustable Mattress
Have you ever considered an adjustable mattress?
They are a great solution to providing custom comfort for everyone. We spend an average of 9,125 days of our lives sleeping… hopefully on our mattresses. If you consider an average lifespan to be 75, then 25 of them would be spent sleeping…. Far more of our time is devoted to sleeping than any one thing, and is spent on our mattresses than anywhere at all. So the importance of quality when it comes to our sleep needs no justification. People spend tens of thousands of dollars on cars, and yet spending 8 hours a day in a car is a cringe inducing idea, and my body aches from the mere thought of it.Two words dearer than the Holy Grail: Peaceful Sleep, enter the Adjustable Mattress
I think we can all agree that a bad night’s sleep for any reason(such as zombie dreams, kicking companions, sleep apnea, or too many pets) can ruin one’s day and makes the thought of returning to the foamy paradise of slumber seem as alluring as the holy grail. However, if the same mattress were perfect for everyone, then the world would only need 1 type. While many similarities are necessary for human cohabitation, mattress preference just doesn’t sit high on the list. This, my friends, is where the adjustable mattress comes in… Settle that argument and comfort anxiety, and go for an adjustable mattress. Boom, everyone’s happy! Some of my favorite mattresses in the adjustable air bed category belong to the Instant Comfort series. Mattress World Northwest carries the best of Instant Comfort adjustable mattresses. This, my friends, is the stuff fairy tales are made of… I felt like the princess and the pea lying on top of the 10 layers of foam, gel and air. The 6th layer is where the magic happens with 24 Gauge anti-microbial vulcanized rubber air chambers.While experiencing this sensation of weightlessness, my mind had gone adrift, wondering if I had come as close to the zero gravity feeling Astronauts experience in space as I was ever going to.Those who prefer a different feel of mattress to that of their partner who sleeps next to them, might find an air mattress the perfect solution to settle the argument over soft or firm. Compatible with the Instant Comfort power bases that feature ultra quiet massage and over 50 different settings controlling the air amount, you’ll be hard pressed to find one that isn’t right for you. Roll out of bed backache free at firmness setting 42 while giving consideration to poor Rover’s aching hips, that might be better cradled at a level 25. The Original Smart Bed offers a variety of firmnesses, ranging from the firm Q2 and Q4 models, the plush S7, S8 and S9 models, all the way to the ultra plush Q5, Q7, Q8 and Q9. Each of those has 50 different settings, so you’re pretty much guaranteed to find something that’s juuuust right for you, Goldilocks! For more information on Adjustable Beds look here: https://www.ergomotion.com/health-benefits-adjustable-beds/ https://relaxincomfort.com/x10-supreme-comfort/ https://www.instantcomfort.com/