3 Reasons You Should Test Out a Mattress In Person
If you sleep for an average of eight hours each night, you’ll spend about 229,961 hours of your lifespan unconscious. It’s equivalent to 13,797,660 minutes, or 9,581 days, or 26.25 years. Whichever way you prefer to look at it, you’ll spend about one-third of your life lying in bed. That’s simply too much time to spend lying on an uncomfortable mattress. That one-third of your life is too important to trust to untested online mattress offers or questionable advice from your neighbor down the street. At Mattress World Northwest, it’s our mission to make that one-third of your life the best it can possibly be, and that’s why we want you to take your time browsing our stores in the Portland area and testing out our many luxurious mattresses in person.
1. You can’t sleep on your computer.
You can buy pretty much anything your heart desires online, from drones to kitty litter to a rented herd of goats to trim your lawn. Yes, that’s really a thing. But the Internet doesn’t know whether you sleep better on a plush pillowtop or a high-tech memory foam/inner spring hybrid. Your computer can’t tell whether you’re a hot sleeper or a restless sleeper with an easily awakened partner. Online mattress companies that sell one size fits all models might claim that they’ve developed the perfect formula that suits pretty much everyone. But does it really make sense that a 250-lb. pro wrestler with a bad back would sleep well on the same mattress as a 90-lb. child? This might be an extreme comparison, but the truth is that no two sleeper’s preferences and needs are exactly alike, and you simply can’t trust a website to know which mattress you need.2. Recommendations aren’t always reliable.
It’s only natural for savvy shoppers to elicit the opinions of others before making a major purchase. You might read online reviews to find out which vacuum cleaner is more likely to retain its suction or determine whether tween girls really do like the latest fashion trends. But when it comes to purchasing a new bed, only you know what’s best for you, and the only way you can figure out which bed is right for you is to actually try it in person. At any of our mattress showrooms, our friendly and informed Sleep Specialists won’t rush you. They genuinely want you to find the bed that suits you, which is why you’ll be encouraged to relax on the floor models to your heart’s content. Lying on a bed for just a few minutes won’t always tell you all you need to know, as it can sometimes take 15 minutes or longer for your body to really settle into the mattress.3. Mattress salespeople really do know what they’re talking about.
The third reason why you should always test out your new mattress in person is that the store staff is a valuable resource. It never hurts to do some research on consumer information websites, but they can’t compare to the insider knowledge of a mattress salesperson, who spends all day addressing issues such as different sleep styles, firmness levels, and filler materials. And when you choose Mattress World Northwest for your next bed, you can rest assured that you’ll speak with knowledgeable staff members who genuinely look forward to helping you get the best sleep of your life. Stop by a mattress store location in Portland, and we’ll be happy to answer all of your questions.More on why you should test out a new mattress in person:
- Good Housekeeping, The Definitive Guide to Buying a Mattress, http://www.goodhousekeeping.com/home-products/a25695/mattress-buying-guide/
- Spine-Health, Top 12 Tips for Buying a New Mattress, https://www.spine-health.com/blog/top-12-tips-buying-a-new-mattress