adjustable bed

10 Reasons People Choose Adjustable Power Foundation Beds

Adjustable bed sales are soaring as retailers increasingly embrace what has become one of the fastest-growing categories in the industry,” reports David Perry, writing for Furniture Today. Everyone is familiar with the type of adjustable bed found in hospitals that lets nurses and doctors prop a patient up to eat, elevate the legs to reduce swelling, and control everything from lights to televisions with the push of a button. However, consumer education is improving at mattress showrooms across the country, as more stylish versions of adjustable power foundations made by well-known manufacturers hit the market. Though the ticket prices are higher, the investment in achieving the best night’s sleep for the next decade or more is well worth it for many consumers.

Adjustable power foundation sales skyrocket

“Five years ago, the adjustable bed was more of a novel thing,” said Jay Thompson, president of Leggett & Platt Adjustable Bed Group in Carthage, Missouri. “It wasn’t that long ago that there were maybe one or two on the sales floor and they were probably in the back. But it’s been a strong, growing category with double-digit gains for several years running.” The International Sleep Products Association reported:
  • Mattress manufacturers sold $203.7 million adjustable beds in 2011.
  • They sold $328.2 million in adjustable foundation mattresses in 2012.
  • Sales of adjustable beds soared to $402.9 million in 2013 – a 22.8% increase from the previous year.
  • Adjustable power foundation sales are expected to continue growth throughout 2014 and beyond.

10 reasons why people choose adjustable base beds

  1. There’s a snorer in your bed. A Sleep America poll found that 23 percent of couples sleep in separate bedrooms. Though the reasons range from illness and disparate schedules to children and fights, 45% of the couples surveyed by the Five Thirty Eight blog cited snoring as the top reason they chose to sleep apart. Adjustable power foundation beds do not help every case of snoring, but Dr. Joanne Getsy, MD, medical director of the Drexel Sleep Center in Philadelphia, says that "Sometimes, sleeping at a slight incline will make snoring better," and recommends sleeping with a wedge or adjustable bed. Some new beds even come with “partner snore control” mechanisms, which sure beats throwing a pillow at your spouse!
  2. You and your partner cannot agree on a standard for comfort. Only 3 percent of the couples sleeping apart who were surveyed stated that they slept in the same room in different beds. For this crowd, the reason was often that they just couldn’t agree on comfort. One person wanted a firm mattress, the other wanted plush. Adjustable power foundations let each sleeper customize their side of the bed in terms of firmness and incline for a perfect night’s rest based on personal preference.
  3. You read and watch TV in bed. Consumers are spending more time using their bedrooms as a retreat. They not only sleep here, but play games on a mobile device, read, watch TV, and work on laptops. Buyers are simply “looking for product options that fit their lifestyles,” says Rick Anderson, president of Tempur Sealy North America. The ability to adjust one’s sleep surface to a better position for these extracurricular activities is an increasingly more desirable trait to look for in a bed.
  4. You have a hard time getting in and out of bed. Aging boomers are in the marketplace full force and they’ve invested heavily in products that make day-to-day life easier – step-in showers, stair-climbing scooters and home monitoring systems, to name a few. The movable base bed is another revolutionary device to help seniors stay in their homes longer, as they can now prop themselves up with the touch of a button to get in and out of bed easier without struggling to sit up from a flat position.
  5. You sometimes need to elevate your feet. People with swelling of the legs can find reprieve with an adjustable power foundation featuring several controllable “zones” for the head, central and foot sections of the bed. It can be difficult to prop the feet under multiple pillows, particularly for individuals who are overweight or crippled by arthritis.
  6. You have acid reflux. “Bed head elevation could be effective in rapidly clearing both acid and non-acid reflux,” according to a 2012 study published in the Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology. The ability to elevate the head as little as 4-6 inches prevents stomach acids from traveling up into the esophagus. Additional benefits include improved circulation and enhanced respiration, which also benefit the acid reflux patient.
  7. Your back hurts. Though there aren’t many scientific studies done on the adjustable bed’s ability to cure back pain, a 2005 article published in the Journal of the Canadian Chiropractic Association found that “lumbar support inserted in a mattress allows a more homogenous distribution of contact pressure over the pelvic, lumbar and thoracic areas during supine posture” and “could potentially limit unfavourable compressive and shearing forces acting on the lumbar spine.”
  8. You have trouble sleeping due to a chronic health condition. Richard Fleck, president of Paramount Sleep says that the adjustable power foundation market is “truly a wellness segment” within the industry. Consumers want to make the best choice based on their particular health issue – be it poor circulation, hernia, arthritis, edema, sleep apnea, fibromyalgia, asthma, or COPD.
  9. You’re breastfeeding. Babies rarely like lying flat. Though the American Academy of Pediatrics discourages the practice of co-sleeping with an infant, the reality is that 41 percent of new mothers admit to sharing a bed with their baby. They like the peace of mind of hearing the baby’s breathing, the close comfort of being near their little ones, or the ease of late-night breastfeeding. A movable base makes the transition to optimal feeding positions much easier for mom and baby.
  10. You love having the latest technology. Today’s consumer lives a “switched-on” lifestyle and thrives on surrounding himself with the newest innovations designed to improve one’s quality of life. “The driver in the popularity of adjustable bases is the lifestyle consumer willing to pay for the luxury and customization you can only get from an adjustable base,” says Jon Stowe, CEO, Dormeo N.A.

Adjustable power base beds in Portland, OR

If you’re curious about the many benefits of sleeping in an adjustable bed, there is no better place to try one out than one of the 23 Mattress World Northwest locations near Portland, Oregon. Our knowledgeable Sleep Specialists would love to show you all the latest technology and welcome you to explore the possibilities. We have options by many top brands in all different price ranges to best suit your needs.
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